Privacy Policy

There are many ways to connect us- by creating an account on Offertreat, subscribing to our offers, contacting us online, viewing our emails, browsing through our website, etc. You can share your information by creating an account and we will take care of your hand-in details. For us, your trust is important, therefore we have frame the privacy policy that deals with:

  • What are the information we collect and why are we collecting it?
  • How we utilize the collected information?
  • The choices we offer to you along with how to access and update the information.

It is extremely important to know how do we utilize your shared information and we appreciate the trust you put in us. Therefore we ensure to use your information with utter care and sensibly. The general privacy policy of the will explain you why do we collect, process and utilize our users information.

Our platform provides large number of the services, listing the offers for the local services, goods and the experiences. All the offers in such categories are made available by us or other trusted sellers.

Overall, the general privacy policy implies that the information we collect from our website, mobile application, electronic communications or any other services, are strictly maintained by our team with dignity.

To improve our practices, we will keep updating the privacy policy thus reflecting new privacy practices. The updated privacy policy will determine about the new features, newly added features, functionality to the website.

Visiting this website directly implies that you agree to the terms and conditions of this general privacy policy. By any means, if you disagree to the terms and conditions, we request you to not to access or use our website.

The simple use of the website, you agree with our use and disclosure of the personal information in the correspondence with this privacy policy. This general privacy policy is consolidated into and subject to the terms of use.

Sensitive personal data/ information (SPDI):

the Information Technology Act 2000, we are determined to provide the acknowledgment of the user’s data personal data and information for how we collect and are using it. We may acquire and recognize the following details from you just in case if you decide to interact with us through offertreat website.

  • Email address and password
  • Payment details, billing and delivery address, credit/debit card details, and other payment gateway details.
  • Contact details.
  • You can even actively submit other details to us.

How do we get access or acquire these details of you?

When you,

  • Create an account on the offertreat.
  • Respond or open the emails.
  • Visit any online page that displays our website ad or content.
  • Purchase products/ services through our website.
  • Post comments on the offertreat.
  • Connect with us via integrated social media networking platforms.